Good reading skills are the foundation of learning and are the key to getting a child's education off to a solid start. Learning how to build pre-reading skills in young children is an important first step in getting younger children prepared for learning to read. Reading readiness will make it easier for your child to grasp reading concepts as they enter school. 

Start reading to your child early

Though babies will not grasp the concept of reading, it is never too soon to begin the habit of regular and consistent reading to your child. Starting to read to your child at a young age will help them get familiar with story time and as they grow it will become a routine part of their day. Choose a specific time of day to read, such as bedtime or prior to the afternoon nap, so your child begins to see reading as a daily part of life.

Choose picture books to hold a child's interest

Small children love pictures of animals or their favorite cartoon characters. Reading simple books that contain mostly pictures will make reading a fun and enjoyable experience for your child. Touch and feel books are loved by young children and are a great way to get your children interacting during the reading process.

Teaching the alphabet

One of the easiest ways to get your child interested in learning the alphabet is to teach them letters through singing songs. Children are likely to remember a song easier than trying to remember each letter. Becoming familiar with both lower- and upper-case letters will make it easier for your child to put words together when they begin to read in school.

Strengthen listening skills

Once your child is old enough to engage in a conversation, you can practice strengthening their listening ability, which will strengthen their reading comprehension skills. This can be something as simple as having a question-and-answer discussion after you read a story together. Begin by asking your child questions about the book or the main character in a story to help them master the art of listening well.

Anything you can do to promote good reading skills in a young child will pay off in the future. Essential for all aspects of education, being able to read well will help your child grasp important concepts throughout their formative years as they enter school and beyond. Following a few tips will get your child off to a great academic start.
